Can I Sue for Mold Exposure?

Mold exposure, as we all know, can be dangerous.

Whether it’s a dodgy landlord, the toilet in work no one wants to use, mold lurks everywhere, and exposure often leaves us with coughs or more severe health conditions for people with asthma!

Mold can also affect our property too. Once your favorite bag or sneakers, little blue/black dots and that oh so delightful smell mold has infiltrated them and rendered them unusable!

Usually, we are faced with a bill to replace them, and suddenly, no one is there offering to help.

So what can be done? Can we finally take on the fat cats that leave us in these less than safe conditions? Can we sue for mold exposure?

Let’s find out if there is a way to rightly get compensated for issues that are nine times out of ten out of our control!

Can I sue for mold exposure?

Yes, you can sue for mold exposure! If you live in rented accommodation, you can sue your landlord for mold exposure in the small claims court. You can sue for mold exposure for a few different reasons. Mold-related health problems and property damage are the most common.

To successfully sue for mold exposure, you will need to have a good case, evidence and have a written demand letter to your landlord. Many small claims suits will require a demand letter to pursue with the claim, be sure you check whether you need it before beginning your claim.

Some insurance companies will cover mold damage too. You can check this by contacting your renters’ insurance agent as soon as possible. Depending on the coverage and the cause of mold, you should be able to claim compensation.

However, if the mold exposure has caused health issues, you will need to contact your health insurance to see about compensation or follow the above method to sue your landlord for mold exposure.

How much can you sue for mold exposure?

If sued in the small claims court, you can expect to sue for $3-10,000 depending on the claim and the damage the mold exposure has caused.

There have been cases where individuals have won more depending on the severity of the mold. If an employer or a large corporation caused the mold, you could expect a larger payout then too.

Generally, you can expect a few thousand dollars if you are suing for health-related issues or property loss. When completing your claim, be sure to note the exact cost at the point of purchase to get the correct money for your possessions lost to mold.

In these cases, it can help contact a professional who can provide accurate information based on the small claims court near you and help accurately complete your claim.

Can I sue my job for mold exposure?

You can sue your job for mold exposure if there is a valid claim. If there is mold in your workplace and it has caused sickness, you are entitled to hire an attorney to seek compensation for medical bills or your paycheck if you have missed work without pay.

Across the country, there are no federal standards or recommendations for airborne mold in the workplace. Still, employers are responsible for fixing the problem should their staff fall unwell due to the mold.

If your employer fails to take action after being made aware of the situation, you can sue your landlord. Contact an attorney who can help you file the claim appropriately.

In the past, employers have won millions of dollars due to mold claims! The amount will vary depending on the severity, but be sure to have as much evidence as possible to help win your case.

Can I sue my landlord for black mold?

Yes, you can sue your landlord for black mold. If previous attempts to have your black mold treated have failed, you can file a claim at the small claims court to sue your landlord. You can sue your landlord for health problems caused by black mold, as well as property loss or damage.

Black mold can cause serious health problems, and you must explore every avenue with your landlord before taking them to court. To successfully win your case, be sure to include any and all evidence such as medical expenses, lost wages from illness, destruction of property, or damage.

You can also sue your landlord on the grounds of pain and suffering due to the black mold. Not only is it dangerous for your physical health, but it can have detrimental effects on your mental health. Be sure to note all the pain living with black mold has caused you to build a successful case.

It is worth consulting a professional who can help you complete the claim successfully.